1. Part-time Classroom Assignment, Intermediate (grade 4-7 split) Lac La Hache Elementary. Social Studies and Science: BC New Curriculum, grades 4-7.
  • Earth Day Activities: garbage clean-up
  • BC Hyrdo power smart activities for students
  • Scout Island (Williams Lake) Snow study guest

BC Curriculum: Social Studies (overview of some topics covered)

  • natural resources and the economy (fisheries, minerals)
  • Salmon raising program (through Scout Island, Williams Lake, BC)
  • EDPR Socials 5 Unit: Cariboo Runaway Novel/Gold Rush study: Social Studies 5_ Cariboo Runaway copy
  • How media influences resource management such as deforestation and oil/gas production

BC Curriculum: Science (overview of some topics covered)

  • motions of the Earth (axis, rotation, orbit) and how climate affects living and non-living things
  • FPPL-relative positions of the sun, moon, Earth
  • sustainable resource practices, including First Nations perspectives


2. Full-time Classroom Assignment, Grade 7, Mile 108 Elementary. (All curriculum subjects taught)

BC Curriculum: Social Studies (overview of some topics covered)

  • How physical geography influenced the development of early civilizations
  • Introduction to Geology (Science crossover) (basic sharing of my course knowledge: GEOL 2051, ENVS 3991, GEOG 3991)
  • Inquiry PowerPoint Project: Early Civilizations-comparing Mesopotamia with Egypt (irrigation, farming, trade, culture etc)
  • Create a Country Unit: Students completed a series of task cards to create a fictional country and culture.

BC Curriculum: Science (overview of some topics covered)

  • changing of the Earth’s climate over geologic time, impacts of humans on climate
  • Inquiry/Current Events: Ocean Levels and Warming in the Arctic, Critical Thinking Discussion: responsible local Agricultural practices (cattle ranching-Cariboo region)

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