GEOG 1191 Introduction to Human Geography I

This course provided an introduction to the relationship between physical and human geography.  It developed my understanding of why people choose to live in a certain environment, and what adjustments they make in order to thrive and succeed.  I studied how certain groups and cultures developed their natural resources for economic, cultural, and religious reasons, and how environmental changes affected the availability of these resources.  I also learned how human activity can impact the environment in positive and negative ways.

ENVS 3991 Environmental Sustainability

The topics of this course provided in-depth knowledge of how humans, natural resource exploitation, and pollution influence global climate change. I participated in online blog discussions as well as formal assignments.  For one assignment, I compared and contrasted the effects of climate change in my local town of 100 Mile House with that of Mumbai, India. My final project for this course will also be used as part of my Giveback Piece for this certificate. This assignment consisted of extensive research, interviews with stakeholders, and inquiry regarding the safe disposal of preservative-treated railway ties in the city of Williams Lake, British Columbia.


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GEOG 3991 Global Climate Change and Regional Impacts

This course developed the physical-human geographical relationship into a more advanced realm, relating human actions to global climate change. Socio-economic, scientific, and political perspectives were considered and developed throughout the course, providing an opportunity for me to apply critical thinking to these topics. One of my favourite essays was on the topic of ocean acidification and its potential impact on the shell-forming organisms, specifically, Staghorn corals. I discussed the effects of excess carbon dioxide in our oceans since the beginning of the industrial era.


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GEOL 2051 Geologic Time

I have a passion for Geology!  This course pertained to the study of the geologic history of the Earth.  I found this knowledge was an essential foundation for a deeper understanding of current global environmental issues. One particular exercise discussed the concept of a “Snowball Earth” where an ice-covered Earth would have a high albedo (reflective property). This provided background information for the current study of the melting of our Arctic sea ice. As humans contribute to higher greenhouse gas emissions, there is less ice, and more ocean surface area (less albedo) to create a feedback loop of continual Arctic ice melt. Geology 2051 provided me with excellent foundational skills to contribute to the discussions in both GEOG 3991 and ENVS 3991.


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Category A (Courses): 4

Category H(Course-related work-papers): 5

TOTAL: 9 points